SpiderLath is a uniquely designed fiberglass lath that is a great replacement for metal lath. It is made of AR fiberglass, which is very compatible with cementitous mixes. Other advantages include: much faster installation compared to metal lath and fewer joints to cause cracks.
The twisted weave design also helps in keying the mortar.
SpiderLath adds tensile and flexural strength to the cementitous material providing a stronger bond. It is versatile and strong enough to use with heavy weight products such as three coat stucco and natural stone veneer.
SpiderLath is used in all the places that metal lath would normally be used. It is easier to install, less expensive, and will not rust like other metal laths. Another benefit is the weight. Weighing only 20 lbs. per roll (300 sq. ft.), the equivalent in metal lath would weigh about 90 lbs. This makes SpiderLath much easier to move around your job site.
Below is a link of Spider Lath being compared and tested with other meshes. None of the other meshes endure the pressure of weights and cannot endure the cracking of the jagged concrete. Pictures and details are included in the PDF. Western Michigan University Concrete Canoe test
[youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Whg0WMhOiT4[/youtube]Above is information about Spider Lath.
[youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qdo2Kpp2daw[/youtube]How to apply mortar onto Spider Lath. In this video, S/L is used as the substrate for rock facing a wall.
Here is a recent article in Concrete Decor magazine about SpiderLath.
For Ordering, visit our SpiderLath store page.
For more information visit SpiderLath.com . The website also has installation guides and tips.
Or, contact them directly at:
130 Welsco Rd
Smackover AR 71762
Phone: 870.725.3902
Fax: 870.725.3563